This was my final engineering capstone project. My group and I were tasked to come up with a new machine learning segmentation model that outperforms the current gold standard models that are MedSAM, SAM, and SAMMed2D when it comes to Head and Neck cancers. After various design iterations, numerous trained models, and many many more UI wireframes, SegSlicer was created. SegSlicer is a solution for PET-CT image segmentation, benchmarking, and tumor volume reconstruction that can aid with Head and Neck cancer diagnosis as well as treatment.
SA(c)LT (stands for Socks for ACL Tears) is a biomedical device built to aid athletes with their return to sport. The device is mounted onto socks that are worn by the atheletes as they perform the hop test, a terminal rehabilitation stage test for patients who undergo ACL reconstruction surgery. Using an accelorometer, a gyroscope, and force sensors the LSI is calculated and sent to the user's phone over Bluetooth. SA(c)LT also provides its user with progression indications along the rehabilitation journey.
FilTrack is the solution for finding the perfect music based on user’s mood without spending hours going through the generic playlists. All the user needs to do is select criteria based on their mood (high tempo, liveliness etc.) and FilTrack will filter through the Million Song Database to find the personalized best fit tracks for the user.
Made up of many different modules, this program thakes in two .txt file inputs; the first file is the image in ppm file format, and the other is the kernel to be used for convolution. It then outputs the convoluted image into a PPM file format which could then be converted back into an image file.
This program works by creating a fibonacci string made of 0s and 1s. It is created by concatenation. The resulting pattern is related to a specific algorithm that tells the program which direction to draw the fractal in; this is what gives the images its unique shape.
This was one of my school assignments. The task at hand was to create a python program that can be used to balance chemical reactions given the compounds present within it. I found this assignment to be very thought-provoking. It was build using modules specified by a Modular Interface Specification (MIS) which is written mostly in discrete mathematics language.